Saturday, October 17, 2015



That is God your Lord! There is no god but He, the Creator of all things;then worship ye Him; and He take cares of all things.
Koran,Al An’aam (6):102.

     The hard argument between Pharaoh of Egypt and Moses about 2500 year b.C. is explained in the Koran.
Pharaoh in luxurious robe and throne among his ministers, fortune tellers and shamans and high ranking soldiers, sitting in his high throne looked down and underestimated Moses who wore modest simple robe. Pharaoh who proclaimed himself as a god, furiously asked Moses:”And who is your Lord?”
Moses’ answer was revealed by Lord to Muhammad in the Koran 3100 years afterwards:

He said:”Our Lord is Who gave to each (created) thing its form and nature and further gave (it) guidance
Koran,Thaahaa (20):50.

Bold letters are by the writer



Picture:Cichlids of Cuatro Cienegas know that there are many small snail preys under the sand. Possibly the only cichlids behave as they do there and not found anywhere else. Lord has created,and take care of and guide this funny fish.

    Every moslems believed in those two surahs as a part of their faith of Pillars of Faith namely believe in God, believe in His Messengers, believe in Angels, believe in Holy Books, believe in God’s Predestine, and believed in the Doomsday.
     Up to the 20th Century those surahs formerly vague scientifically become clearer after the finding of dioxyroboseaceticacid (DNA).
     The forms and species of the creatures are depended on the number of chromosomes. Chromosome is a structure where DNA molecules are packed inside it, inside the cell nucleus. DNA is a double helix structure of bases and sugars which determine the functions and coordination of cells in living organisms.
     The shape of organs and its functions to support organisms’ life are according to DNA instructions. In other words DNA is Lord’s command to all organisms cells which is understood by the cells, hence there is no disobeying cells except if the DNA is flawed.     
     The capability of cichlid fish to search their feed under the sand, their capability to withstand alkaline or salts rich waters, their capability to protect their fry by swallowing inside cichlid’s mouth, their ability to search for food by moving their fins following hydrodinamic law of water are some of the millions of proofs that those explained in those two surahs are more advance foresight than sciences.
     It is a proof that what was said by Muhammad is not from himself but from Lord.

Sardjono Angudi


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